The Booty Bandit!

November 12th 2008

Final is here!

The Booty Bandit is a 3D game built in JMonkeyEngine. Pilot your cannonball pirate avatar to fly through the sky. Collect stars and dodge obstacles while harnessing the planet's gravity! Try to hit targets for point multpliers, and win!


Build available for download soon.

Ramping up for our FINAL!

November 10th 2008

Team Sky Pirates present 3D JME GAME:

Sky Pirates proudly present The Booty Bandit, the virtual game. If you like to fly, collect points, & have an awesome time in the surreal carnival fantasy, this is the game for you. Dare to fly above & beyond your imagination. the Final release is Wednesday, Nov 12th, 2008!

This exciting game begins with the shooting of your pirate avatar out of a cannon. Strafe while in the air to avoid billboards of a colorful carnival world. At the same time collect as many points as you can by flying through and collecting stars. Finally, land on any of the three different targets to multiply your points. Fly, dodge, win.


Ramping up for our Beta

November 3rd 2008

Challenges we faced this week include:

Accomplishments so far:

To do list:


Beautifying our World

October 29th, 2008

Challenges we faced this week include:

Accomplishments so far:

To do list:


Coding, Art, Design, OH MY!

October 22nd, 2008

Challenges we faced this week include:

Accomplishments so far:

Approximately 80% of basic artwork is done & will be passed to modelers this week. Programming support is done for UI (HUD), collision detection, & fire.

Programming/coding to do list (in the order of importance):

Character Designs:

Obstacles in the way of the character
Pirate character design - posible avatar
Pirate Umbrella - possible obstacle
Rainbow umbrella - possible obstacle
Characters to be used as potential obstacles


Building a Virtual World...

October 14th, 2008

Our team will:

Create a fun game within the Great Northern World Virtual Environment

Our group members, and their roles are:

Challenges we expect to encounter include:

The main challenge we expect is learning to be creative with the “very limited palette.” As we are still in the brainstorming stage, most of us are having difficulty visualizing what is possible to do on this new planet. We have lots of great ideas already, but figuring out which concept will work best is our immediate challenge. Our goal is to finalize the game concept by end of tomorrow.

The planning Process:

Whiteboard planning. This image highlights our tasks that need to be done.
Whiteboard planning. We used the whiteboard to sketch out our ideas visually, and to describe how objects in the world will interact with the user's imput. Here are early rough drafts of possible character designs.
